SEO for Blogs in 2013
Have you started a blog for your business yet? A blog is a way to share with your audience, give your personality voice and also establish yourself as an expert in your market. In recent years, there has been an explosion in the number of busines owners blogging, and for good cause – a blog is very useful and is very important to online business owners to send messages and build their business directly with their audience.
Some of the more powerful benefit of blogging is that when you blog, you create a very strong brand awareness. Having a business blog means that you are able to spread a strong awareness to your readers. Also, because blogs can promote interactivity, you can engage your audience effectively. Furthermore, blogs can also help you influence your readers buying decisions.
Therefore, it’s no wonder that blogs have become such a popular and powerful business tool. But how do you make sure you get maximum exposure for your efforts?
Did you know that blogs are extremely search engine friendly? Fresh content is a huge plus to search engines, as well as the social interaction. There are also steps you can take to make your blog even more search engine friendly with settings and plugins.
However, with so many blogs being created and many more on the rise, how to do you stay ahead of the field? Here are some great tips that will help your blog get to the top of the search engine rankings and stay there.
Write content that people are actually looking for.
If you just stop and think about what is the driving force to any blogging business, then the obvious answer would have to be the content. Therefore, rather than churning out endless ‘quick’ content, take your time to write a decent length post on information that is in demand. What this means is that if your content is relevant to what people are searching for on the search engines, and your content are what people would love to see, then naturally Google will reward you for it.
Having contents that are in the demand and where people are searching for on the internet search engines is the key to get your content noticed by the search engine spiders (due to relevancy) and it will also be consumed by your readers and if they are satisfied, they will undoubtedly be hungry for more.
A great way for you to get the content that people are looking for is to make sure you are targeting for the right keywords. Go to a keyword research tool such as Google’s external keyword tool and make sure the content that you are going to write will be closely related to a keyword that has a high demand and optimally, that keyword should have less competition. You will also find that building a subscriber base at this point would be much easier as people who are hungry for your content will willingly subscribe to your blog for more good contents.
The length and detail of your content are very important.
Pay attention when writing your content, that you have sufficient small details in it. Google is now smart enough to determine how comprehensive your content are and it is no longer just based on the signals of relevancy. These days, if your content are junk and do not have sufficient information to satisfy your readers, then you will find that it is hard for you to get your blog to rank high.
When your content is written in such a manner that it is a ‘complete’ source on the subject, there is without a doubt that you will be viewed highly in the eyes of the search engines. Longer and complete content will be loved by your readers and search engines alike. Google takes into account things such as time on site, bounce rate, social chatter and bookmarks, return visits and more. All these signals are exactly what Google is actively looking for in a high quality site.
To help improve your blog’s informative posts and your overall content’s stickiness, you should consider including pictures on your post where it matters, good pictures can even help people understand your post. Use graphs and statistics to back up your claims. Be sure to include the source of your data and you can even show in your post how you end up with your own conclusion and opinion. A little bit of emotion, humour or personality goes a long way to help your blog gets the attention it needs from both your human readers and the search engine bots.
Don’t be afraid to link to authoritative sites on the subject, such as Wikipedia. An outgoing link to what Google views as an ‘authority site’ can actually help your rankings, as well as giving more information to your readers.
The saying ‘content is king’ has been around for a long time, and for SEO in 2013 it is as strong as ever. Write good, detailed content, focussing on your readers, and success will come naturally.